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     We tend to dismiss or make light of traditional religious ritual in our casual age. But ritual answers a deep, ancient human need. The Encyclopedia Britannica says, "Rites of passage are universal, and presumptive evidence from archeology (in the form of burial finds) strongly suggest that they go back to early times." So, seeker, if you have the opportunity to observe or take part in a religious ritual, do! You will be following in the footsteps of our ancestors.

     If you participate in a religious ritual be sure you have the right attitude. When I prepared for a religious ritual with levity or laziness (or both) I should have just sat on the sidelines when the ritual was held. I really didn't get much out of the ceremony. When I prepared for a religious ritual with seriousness and thoroughness the ritual was meaningful and left a lasting impression. It was even better when I had the spiritual community supporting me through the ritual.

     Be respectful of the traditions of the community when you are observing a ceremony. Enjoy seeing how other people "do religion" and learn something new and worthwhile, especially when the rituals are time-honored ones. And if you're asked to dance give it a go! 


Claire A. Johnston, Author


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Seek the path that demands your whole being --Rumi