Welcome to The Practical Seeker  Blog 


     Are you feeling frustrated and disappointed because your spiritual life seems to be going nowhere? Maybe your practice has become stagnant, or you miss those revelatory moments you once had when you were praying. Or your work with a spiritual teacher may seem like a waste of time, and you are wondering what to do next.

     When you feel that you've reached a plateau in your self-evolution (and this happens to everyone, myself included) it is actually a golden opportunity to step back and take stock of your spiritual life. These moments of frustration and perhaps despair can contain the potential of further movement forward in your quest. 

     The spiritual path is not one of unalloyed triumph and ease for a sincere seeker. We read about saints and adepts who never seem to have had second thoughts or dead halts in their lives. That is because the accounts are whitewashed, I think. All of those people were just as human as the rest of us, and they certainly felt sadness and doubt and made mistakes. 

     Why not re-examine your particular practice, have a heart to heart talk with your spiritual teacher and not expect that spiritual revelations will come consistently and frequently? It's sometimes good to let the spiritual field lie fallow for a while until you have a better perspective about where you are in your evolution. 

     And trust that the underlying process of spiritual growth will carry your through to your next level of understanding. 



Claire A. Johnston, Author


Contact me at this address

Seek the path that demands your whole being --Rumi