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     One way to keep your spiritual life fresh and lively is to listen to talks from various spiritual teachers. These teachers can be from your own tradition, another tradition or from none at all. It depends on your interests. I've learned a lot more about Buddhism through the dharma talks of Buddhist nuns, monks and trained lay people. Teachers new to you will obviously have a different perspective on things than your own teacher or teachers.This can help you gain valuable insights you might miss if you stay strictly with one or only a few regular teachers.

     It's even better if you can be there in person at these talks. The venue, the atmosphere and the audience can add a lot to the teachings. You'll often be able to ask the teacher questions, and see how they interact with others. 

     You might not learn anything really valuable after attending a spiritual teacher's talk. And that's okay. However, you may get to observe some fascinating and amusing human behavior instead. I went to the darshans (opportunities to see a holy person) of two Hindu gurus. The male guru was very egotistical, and had a jealous woman devotee who was openly hostile toward others who approached him. The other guru, a woman, referred to herself in the third person and talked a lot about how she had been part of a convention of spiritual leaders. She mentioned that her books and spiritual tchotchkes were available to purchase in the lobby. One of her female devotees did a somewhat embarassing little impromptu dance for her. But anything of a spiritual nature was not really on the program of either of these two gurus. The darshans did turn out to be enjoyable experiences for me, in any case.





Claire A. Johnston, Author


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Seek the path that demands your whole being --Rumi