I have dedicated The Practical Seeker to my mother, my husband and the Hindu goddess Saraswati. You might be a bit surprised about my including the Hindu goddess on the dedication page. There is an interesting story about my decision to include Saraswati there.
Around the time I was thinking of starting The Practical Seeker I paid my sister a visit. We went into her garage to get into her car. I noticed a laminated picture of Saraswati sitting on a shelf in the garage. "Oh, poor Saraswati!" I exclaimed. I really did feel sorry for her, neglected and dirty and lonely. I asked my sister if I could have the picture and she said yes. So I took the sad little Saraswati picture home with me.
I washed the picture off with soap and water and dried it. Then I placed it on my altar. While I gazed on it I suddenly had an inner vision. Saraswati, smiling, was eagerly running down a flight of stairs. She looked at me like a mother whose child had finally come home. And from then on I was inspired to get to work on my book.
The picture of Saraswati is still on my altar. I chant her mantra and celebrate her holidays. She continues to inspire me to write, and to higher levels of wisdom and knowledge. After all, writing, wisdom and knowlege are subjects she knows well.
And, if you look at the picture of me in the Hindu temple in the book, you will see. on the right, a picture of Saraswati. She was there in my life all along, and was waiting for me to take her home.
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