This is the first in an occasional series of reviews of books that spiritual seekers will find helpful and informative.
"Cultish: The Language of Fanaticism" is by Amanda Montell, who is a language scholar. She writes about how language is used to manipulate people to join and support "cultish" groups. These groups run the gamut from bonafide cults such as Heaven's Gate to "cultish" organizations like multi-level marketing (Mary Kay and Amway are among those MLM groups she discusses.) Montell has some familial history with cults, as her paternal grandfather made her then fourteen year old dad join Synanon cult with their family; her dad escaped when he was seventeen and later in life became a neuroscientist.
Well researched, sometimes humorous and a real pleasure to read, this short book will give you an overview of "cultish" behavior that will be a useful resource during your spiritual search.