Welcome to The Practical Seeker  Blog 

Presents From My Spiritual Teachers
2023-11-15 19:21            I have received intangible gifts from my spiritua...
Ecstatic Religious Experience
2023-10-08 13:47          Some people seek out ecstatic religious experienc...
"In Doubt, Liberty": A Tool for Seekers
2023-08-16 14:33              The title of this post is "In Doubt, Liberty....
My Secret Spiritual School
2023-07-08 14:55      I've often wondered why I don't practice Native...
Don't "Surrender" to Anybody or Anything
2023-07-01 15:55            During the course of my spiritual search I had a...
Don't Lose Heart, Seeker!
2023-04-19 14:30        Are you feeling frustrated and disappointed because ...

Claire A. Johnston, Author


Contact me at this address

Seek the path that demands your whole being --Rumi